Coolspring Power Museum OrganizationThe Coolspring Power Museum is a registered, tax exempt, 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation with a Board of Directors having offices of President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer. We have a governing set of By-Laws and hold Board meetings four times each year. In addition, there are committees with responsibilities for curatorial, budget and finance, grounds and facilities, and public programs activities. We have coordinators responsible for the gift shop, membership, communications, food vendors, show grounds, newsletter, and the website. Our operating and project funds are obtained through generous donations by individuals. We have no paid employees. All efforts provided are volunteered as a labor of love to fulfill our mission. If you would like to become involved, visit our Contribute page to learn more. |
Board of Directors and Officers |
Mike Murphy - President |
937-235-1820 |
Dr. Paul E. Harvey - Vice President | 814-849-5495 |
Norm Shade - Secretary-Treasurer | 713-206-9651 |
Gail Lavender - Recording Secretary | 814-849-4763 |
Glen "Buck" Anthony | 814-715-5534 |
Chris Austin | 724-902-0066 |
Clark Colby | 724-863-4372 |
John Hanley | 517-388-1680 |
Arthur McKinley | 646-483-5250 |
Stewart McKinley | 814-316-1794 |
Nick Scotese | 440-708-8887 |
Ben Steffy | 814-257-8264 |
Tom W. Stockton | 734-260-2488 |
Tommy Turner | 270-765-9540 |
Reid Wellman | 440-313-5928 |
Curator of Collections |
Mike Monnier |
Financial and Compliance Chairman |
Norm Shade |
Coordinators |
Angel Steffy |
Museum Gifts and Souvenirs Shop |
Gail Lavender |
Membership and Communications |
John Hanley |
Show Grounds |
Mike Murphy |
Newsletter |
Stewart McKinley |
Food Vendors |
George Guzik |
Publicity |
Committee Chairs |
Kevin Kusel |
Safety |
Steven Tachoir |
Curatorial |
Norm Shade |
Budget and Finance |
Stewart McKinley |
Grounds and Facilities |
Dr. Paul E. Harvey |
Public Programs |
Copyright © by Coolspring Power Museum |